Li-ion emergency light circuit with low voltage cutoff protection

Emergency light circuit with low voltage protection.

Emergency light and low voltage cutoff circuit 

Using forward voltage drop of LED to protect lithium ion battery from getting too low.
The light will be cutoff around 3 volts.
The upper limit voltage of eight chip LED is higher than battery, no need to add current limit resistor.

Emergency Light NPN PNP 1W LED Low Voltage Protection

Emergency light npn pnp perfboard

Emergency light npn pnp usb power two led

Emergency light npn pnp 18650 li-ion two led ON

Emergency light circuit

Emergency light circuit using NPN transistors & 1W LED

Emergency light circuit  NPN
1W 300~350mA LED  (or multiple LEDs in parallel)
Cell phone Li-ion battery 3.7V
USB 5V power
S8050 NPN  20V 700mA transistor control LED current
Adjustable brightness
Charge current indicator LED
Minimum standby current

Emergency light circuit
Simplified version

Choice of R1 for LED
20mA  40k
40mA  20k
60mA  13.3k
80mA  10k
100mA 8k
200mA 4k
300mA 2.6k

Emergency light circuit PNP